Toolbox river cruises
Wet wipes are a popular product. They are convenient and hygienic to use. However, they also cause problems, as wet wipes often contain plastic fibres. After usage, many wipes end up in the environment, posing a danger to flora and fauna.
It often goes wrong during disposal: used wet wipes are often flushed down the toilet instead of being thrown in the bin. This can cause blockages in the sewage system. However, not all problems are immediately visible. The plastic fibres in wet wipes break down and enter the environment as microplastics. These issues occur both by use of wet wipes on land and on water, for example, during river cruises.
The improper disposal of wet wipes calls for both policy adjustments and consumer education. As a cruise operator, you can also help reduce the flow of wet wipes into rivers, by implementing this toolkit.
Date: October 2024
Developers: ANDC, D&B and Tappan, on behalf of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management
Materialen toolbox
De toolbox bevat onderstaande materialen. Deze zijn meteen te gebruiken of aan te passen naar de huisstijl van uw schip.
- Infographic
- Commitment-kaartje
- Pashouder
- Commitment-teller
- Instructies receptiepersoneel
- Notities voor kapiteinsspeech
- Poster met gedicht
- Handleiding
Materials toolbox
The toolbox contains the following materials. These can be used immediately or adapted to the corporate identity of your ship.
- Infographic
- Commitment Card
- Key Holder
- Commitment Counter
- Instructions for Reception Staff
- Notes for the Captain’s Speech
- Poster with the Poem
- Manual
Materialien Toolbox
Die Toolbox enthält die folgenden Materialien. Diese können sofort verwendet oder an die Corporate Identity Ihres Schiffes angepasst werden.
- Infografik
- Verpflichtungskarte
- Kartenhalter
- Verpflichtungszähler
- Anweisungen für Rezeptionspersonal
- Notizen für die Kapitänsrede
- Poster mit Gedicht
- Handbuch